
Beyond the Beat is a music school and studio that focuses on artist development, instrument improvement and original music production. We give students the opportunity to perform in a concert at the end of each term in order to showcase their talents and get that valuable performing experience.  Taking place at C’est What, a notable venue for live music in downtown Toronto, these end of term concerts offer an accepting and supportive environment where our students and their parents get to watch all of their hard work pay off.  Events like this, although mandatory, encourage students to present themselves in front of a crowd coupled with the unique and unteachable skill that is live performance.

We also give students the opportunity to write, and record their own original music in our recording studio that will be mixed, edited, mastered and then put up onto iTunes, Soundcloud, as well as Bandcamp for sale.

Here at Beyond the Beat we are committed to providing students with a creative foundation where we hope they will be able to express themselves artistically and form an everlasting connection with music.  There is nothing that is more rewarding for our team than to see the passion that has driven us for so long begin to thrive in our students.